Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Running While Fat

For a lot of years I kept a pretty busy schedule between classes, work, kids, schoolwork, housework, etc. Since August I have been enjoying the fact that I’m done with classes and schoolwork forever! Only now I realize that I’m a person that kinda has to stay busy. I seem to thrive on it. So…I thought about running. I know, I know. Me? A runner? Not likely unless there’s a fire, even then I’d probably just walk quickly. However I need something to work on; a goal, something to appease my ever waning attention span. Not to mention something to stop my ever growing midsection! Really, it’s time to face the fact that I’ve gotten fat. I stand at 5’10 so that actually helps camouflage most of the fat, but I can still see the rolls when I sit. Even while standing I look 3-4 months pregnant!

I have a treadmill in my bedroom but it’s always sort of been my husband’s treadmill. I mean he’s the one who has the luxury of saying “I’m hopping on the treadmill for a while” and having 30 minutes of uninterrupted exercise. Me on the other hand……(ha!) as soon as I get on I’m breaking up arguments between children, gasping for air while I threaten them with all kinds of things to get them out of the room while I exercise in peace kindly redirect them to seek out their father while I exercise. But, I think if I could work something out with dear hubby I could get in at least 15 minutes a night, which is a good start I think.

And, really, let’s face fact #2 here—I’ll never change my eating habits. Not completely. I will always eat hamburgers, pizza, Mexican food, donuts, white bread…(the list goes on and on people). And not to sound corny, but I seriously grew up a country girl who was served vegetables seasoned with pork, grease, butter, or cream; we would bread and fry chicken, fish, steak, pork chops and most of the time served it with gravy. How could I give that up? Food is good, food is great, I love it (herein lies my problem). I will never eat Kashi Lean with mandarin oranges for my breakfast and yogurt with a wheat bread sandwich at lunch. Won’t happen. I would be the meanest woman on the planet if I had to survive on that. But back to my original point (or did I have one?)……running. I need to at least give it a try. And if that actually happens, I’ll be blogging about in the near future. I know you’ll be waiting on pins and needles to hear what happens.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Let me know how that works out for you!