Sunday, October 31, 2010


I finally look around me. I see a friend, my baby’s face, I share a laugh, or feel loved; I am reminded that I’m alive.   

Friday, October 15, 2010


The day is long and slow…….stretched out before me like a winding dirt road that disappears on the edge of the horizon. Nothing for miles around……..  the air is still, no sounds of nature, no sign of life.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sleep Eludes Me...

Crickets chirping... a sound from my childhood.  TV on mute... just flashing lights.  Digital numbers on the alarm clock... an eerie blue.  The air in the room... almost audible.
And sleep eludes me....
My day flashes before me... then the past weeks, months, and years.  Random thoughts... random memories.
Tears fill my eyes, and sleep eludes me. 

"I'm wondering how birds find their way....
There are so many things I don't understand.
What makes a woman not love a man?
I think I should just be alone.
I think I should find my way home."
~Jonah Matranga

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


It was too much in one night…

All of “them” on my mind, 'Baby You Save Me' playin' on the radio-- dedicated between lovers, 11 years worth of guilt bubbling up, an old movie on TV conjuring up memories of better days, stressful workweek, and too much caffeine.

The tears have been falling.

This doesn’t bode well for me.