Thursday, March 25, 2010

Liberating? Maybe not.

So I get that women fought long and hard for equality and certain “freedoms”. I got that whole message growing up that I could pursue a college education, a career, AND get married and have babies. And I’m all for equality and freedom. But here lately I’m realizing that this whole careerwoman/mom/wife combo isn’t exactly a freeing experience. I mean, 40 hr work weeks, small children, husbands, and this supposed “me time” that everyone says we need…um really??? I mean, so just to get this whole “having it all dream” straight here-- along with keeping groceries in the house, paying bills, wiping snotty noses, doling out vitamins, scheduling appointments, checking homework, laying out school clothes, disciplining, setting rules, teaching my children how to be a person in this world, having quality family time, trying to have an actual meaningful career, being a wife (which has it’s own separate sub list trust me), I’m also supposed to fit in…date night with my man, girls night out with friends, and time alone to replenish myself?.... are you fucking kidding me?
Now I’m not saying that in my marriage and my family unit, I’m the only one who does everything. My husband and I definitely co-parent & he handles other daily tasks…it’s just…I don’t know…I feel like I took some big superwoman test and failed miserably. Intellectually I know that I can’t be all to everyone, and not to sound so conceited as to think that I AM everything to everyone, I’m not. I’m just saying that even though I know that out of that long list something is gonna get left out or not get my full attention I still continue to feel guilty; I still have feelings of inadequacy. And I don’t always get to choose what that something is either. Sometimes shit just happens and I’m left standing there going oh yeah I forgot to pay daycare last week, or oops the car is way overdue for an oil change; then sometimes I knowingly push certain aspects of my life aside because I’m too overwhelmed and I think they’ll be okay, or that will keep for now. I mean, we all know that even day to day tasks and regular maintenance on a car, house, parenting & marriage can be daunting at times for anyone. But sometimes a person can feel like they are suffocating in it all even when they have a partner. And that partner can end up feeling like they are quite insignificant to the other person.

I don’t know what it is exactly that causes women to believe that they can juggle all of these things on a daily basis and still be okay. I don’t know why we have these expectations not only for ourselves but for each other. I’ve often heard women tell one another “you know how it is, we gotta be supermom”, or “well as women we just have to figure it all out” or “women are miracle workers”.... I don’t know, all I’m sayin is that some days that whole “barefoot and pregnant” idea doesn’t seem so archaic. Women who juggle full time jobs and careers, children, husbands, etc have more on their plate then they could ever handle with all the love and care needed in a lifetime. When I was in college I read about a study on women who talked about how their “dream” had been to “have it all” (i.e. career & family) and how it was so "fulfilling". However, the study also showed that these same women were unable to deal with stress as easily as the other women, and in general seemed to be the most frustrated and most unsatisfied with life. It just seems like there should be a middle ground somewhere, there has to be. I mean women went from having no real place in society to being overloaded so much so that we have self help books and discussions on Oprah about how to multi-task and “filling your own glass”. How do we even survive the lives that we create for ourselves with these kinds of expectations? And why is it that we continue to create lives that are so busy we often neglect the people that mean the most to us? I'll tell you why -- because we continue to be lured into this "dream" that is actually just an illusion.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Finding Room to Breathe

Today has been a really good day...
1) I didn't cry or even tear up for the first time since March 2nd.
2) I could breathe freely ALL day
3) I was able to fully concentrate on my work!! This is HUGE.

Now what this all means exactly I'm not totally sure, I'm just thankful to have a "normal" day for the first time in weeks and I'm happy to have a reprieve from feeling heartbroken. Maybe I've finally pushed through the really raw, unbearable pain and gained some clarity. Maybe I have a new perspective now, and I kind of can see where to go from here. And maybe, just maybe, I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe. We'll see.

Friday, March 19, 2010

If I Was Smart...

.... I would use this time to find out who I am without him.

.... I would respect the need for space & time.

.... I would learn to face the things I haven't wanted to in a very long time.

.... I would focus on positivity and productivity.

.... I would realize I don't have to just survive it, I can live through it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Clearing the Air

I guess just in case I have blog readers that don't know what's going on with me, I want to explain my previous posts. First, no my husband didn't have an affair, secondly, I was actually mistaken about a betrayal on Valentine's Day, and thirdly I am still full of uncertainty and so is he. Now, isn't that all just clear as mud? Yeah, it is in my mind too.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Marriage & Divorce part II

I just got through telling a friend that maybe we just have different ideals of what a marital relationship should be. And that was after this morning when I just said to another friend I can see a future of working things out. Hmmmmm...flip flopping much?? I somehow have hopes that by writing these thoughts down, it will help me find more answers. I don't even care if anyone ever reads this, I don't care if it's public. Whatever. Sometimes it just is what it is, and keeping it all a secret doesn't make it any different. (I only have like 3 readers that I know of anyway. lol)
I know at some point I'll get to that really honest place inside me where I have to face whatever it is I haven't been facing. You don't just get to this point in an 11yr relationship overnight. It's been brewing. And maybe from day one.....I'm not really sure. I know that my defense mechanisms have started trying to take over, but I have to get past that. I can't get to pure honesty until I let my defenses down.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Marriage & Divorce (part I of many)

I don't feel like I can throw away everything I’ve gained, lost, invested in, worked on, endured, sacrificed, survived, gained, gained, gained in the last 11 years. In my mind, I know there has to be a way, we have to learn how to communicate differently. We have to make changes. And maybe the more time apart we have, or the more loss and pain I feel right now, will maybe give me even more motivation in the future to stick with making all those changes, and putting in the extra effort to figure out where we lost our ability to communicate.

Here's a quote that a friend shared with me this morning: "getting divorced during a hard time is like cutting off your foot because you have a hangnail"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Where I Am

Clarification and laughter have been the highlights of my week.

Many answers have brought me to a new place....

It's a very difficult place, kind of a scary place, but a very honest place to be right now.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

This is what I DO know right now...

Today will never be the same as yesterday, this works for me and against me.

Betrayal can feel like a poison seeping slowly into your veins and traveling until it destroys every part of you.

I’m addicted to searching for answers ……and it’s like the betrayal continues…… Valentine’s Day?...Really???

Sometimes digging for the truth makes you wonder many, many, many times over if you really want to know the truth.

Because of decisions other people made…I have to focus to get through each day now with a huge amount of uncertainty.

Two days can feel like a week

Sometimes pain is so overwhelming that in a very short period of time it can start to feel like the norm…

…And sometimes it’s so numbing that you just realize you’ll survive it.