Sunday, September 28, 2008

10 Years In and It's Still a Mystery

What could I possibly be talking about? Marriage. One of life’s mysteries. Sometimes I think Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell had the right idea……just act married, don’t actually make it legal. I’m not sure if that would make it easier to bail but it seems like it would be. Something about that little piece of paper making it legal… feel more compelled to stay even when it gets hard.

Men and women could not be more different. Yet we come together in a union, make a home, maybe raise a family, maybe make some money, and not only are we somehow supposed to survive it without killing each other….. but we’re actually supposed to still like, respect, and love each other! There once was a time where this didn’t seem crazy to me……fast forward to almost 10 years of marriage, two children, a mortgage, careers ending and starting, and all the cynicism makes sense to me now!!

Why do any of us get married anyway? Companionship? True love? Oops, the test is showing two pink lines? I don’t know, I have no answers. I got hitched 9 years and 7 months ago and there are still days when I wake up and wonder why I did it. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my husband…..very much. I just thought that by now we’d have this marriage thing all figured out; that our relationship would flow like water in a creek making all the stones smooth with time. But nah…..we still have the same stupid arguments, and every now and then we throw something new in there to fuss about. Why is that? Does anyone else walk away from a one hour discussion thinking you’re finally resolving issues, and then a month later there you are fighting about the same damn thing again?! Every time I think I am so running out of energy for this marriage business…..I find myself thinking of all the reasons I loved Abel in the first place. And all the reasons I have found to love him this many years later.

All I really have figured out at this point is this: 1) we still wake up in the mornings and want to be together, though I can’t say that happens every day….just most. 2) We’re better together then we would be apart…I think. 3) We obviously make “super DNA” together because our children are two of the most beautiful, intelligent creatures that ever lived.

So I guess we’ll keep trudging forward and see where it all goes….

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