Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can I Just Share?

My heart is still beating fast and my hands are slightly shaky….guess that’s the after effects of adrenaline coursing through my body. What happened you ask? Hahaha… oh, just some frightening silly phone conversation with a dipshit.
I’m sitting here at my desk innocently typing notes on the computer. Innocent, because I have no reason to be worried about any of my loved ones; the children were each dropped safely off at school this morning. No worries, right? Then I get a phone call.
I answer my cell phone to a number that was very similar to Hillcrest hospital phone numbers……

Man in a very urgent voice: “can I speak to the parent or guardian of Alexandria T*****?”

Me: my heart dropping to my stomach “this is she, this is her mother”. My mind is conjuring up all of the terrible images it can in approximately 20 seconds, which felt like minutes before he responded with…

Man: “this is her mother?”

Me: “YES!” Oh God, what happened to my baby?

Man: “I’m calling from Dr. Francis’s office here in Waco…”

Me: “Yes???” Oh my God, something terrible has happened to her at school and now I’m going to have to give consent for medical treatment over the phone!

Man: “she has a dental appointment with us tomorrow at such and such time and I’m just confirming…..”

Me: WHAT???? You scared the shit out of me to confirm a freakin dental appointment??? At this point I interrupt and say “OH, I thought you were calling from a doctor’s office about my child, you scared me”

Man: hesitation “no, um, I’m calling from the dentist…will you be here tomorrow?”

Me: Yes, you moron that’s why I made the appointment, so that we could SHOW UP TO IT! “yes we’ll be there”. Click.

You might call it paranoia, I call it motherhood.


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Yikes! I get the same feeling when my phone rings at odd times. My brother was in several car accidents, and I always feared getting that phone call saying someone in my family is hurt/gone. I am glad everything is okay!

Rose said...

AHH! I would have had a freak attack!

Clovis2012 said...

Well, I'm very happy that your baby was okay. But you have to laugh because you know the dentist office person was saying, "b*tch!" after she hung up with you. hahahaha.