Friday, August 29, 2008

Being At Home

The past few weeks I’ve been at home with no job and no schoolwork to do. This is the first time this has EVER happened in my life, unless you count maternity leave in which I took six weeks each time (but who would count THAT as time off?!). Now that I’ve been hired (yay!) I start work on Tuesday. That gives me 5 more days to experience this amazing “not having to be anywhere at any specific time” feeling. Granted, I still have a two year old to care for during the day and another child to get ready for school each morning-- but that’s a piece of cake compared to some of the schedules and demands I’ve had over the past few years. Here are some things I’ve realized during this time off:

1) I’m not cut out to be a stay at home mom. I’ve kind of known this for a while, but these past few weeks just confirmed it. I hate to clean, I get bored with routines, I don’t have a structured day for my children, and I don’t do anything fun and stay- at- home- momish like arts and crafts. And, just to clarify—I’m not knocking the job at all. Because (not to quote Oprah) but being a mother is the hardest job in the world. I happen to know a few stay at home moms, they chose that path for different reasons and they are great at it! It’s just not for me.

2) My favorite part of the day is about 8-8:30 in the morning. I watch Golden Girls reruns on Lifetime and I think about what’s to be done that day (cleaning, errands). It feels really good to know that the day can be whatever I make it. I don’t have any appointments, I don’t have to answer to anyone (except my two year old), the day holds promise and it feels great!

3) It’s REALLY hard to keep a 2 year old entertained…..safely. Why do they like to climb onto furniture and then jump off?! Why do they eat random things? Why do they love to go into their big sister’s bedroom while she’s at school? Why do they write on furniture and walls? Why do they dip things in the toilet? I don’t know! Okay, really I get that they’re exploring and learning. I’m just glad that I don’t work at a preschool.

So back to the grind on Tuesday, but hopefully it will be more exciting earning a paycheck this time around. Because I’ll be doing what I’m passionate about! So when I find myself missing these relaxed days, and I’m sure I will every now and then, I’ll have to remind myself of what I learned.


Rose said...

Ha! Those are the feelings I have on days like yesterday, when I pretty much did nothing but keep Colin alive.

Matt and I decided today that if we ever bought a gun (we have no plans) that it would need the highest level of security possible, and Colin-houdini could still probably get into it.

Rose said...

Hi! I tagged you. See my blog for details.

Anonymous said... described me completely :-) I could NEVER be a stay at home mom, and I have NO clue how to keep a 2 year old entertained. Last year before I started my new job, I had one week off before I started. I got bored fast, but filled my time shopping :-) I took Lauryn to of the year!!

How are you enjoying your new job? We should go have lunch one day...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and I LOVE the Golden Girls, too. Tommy makes fun of me. Glad to see that I'm not the only one my age that looks forward to catching it on the weekends...