Friday, October 31, 2008

Ahhhhh. Friday.

There’s something to be said for Fridays. Personally, it has always been my favorite day of the week. As a child, Fridays meant free day at school, pep rallies in the fall, and sun shiny weekends outside in the spring. Having grown up in a family that didn’t have much money, Fridays were our official once a week day to eat out. We were also allowed to stay up as late as we wanted on Friday nights, and the best part was NO SCHOOL the next day!
Now as an adult, Friday is still by far my favorite day. Things at work seem less urgent, less gloomy. I know I can go home and do whatever I want; I don’t have to prepare for the next day. I can stay up till 2AM reading or watching TV and not have to worry about lack of sleep the next morning. I have my whole weekend ahead of me. Fridays are AWESOME.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Pictures to come later and probably a story……

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thoughts on Christianity and CWO

I was going to add my name to the Christian Women’s Organization blog roll so I decided to read the “rules” first.
1) You have to completely agree with their statement of faith. “Okay. Check.”
2) Your blog site may be monitored and has to be approved in order to officially join. “Um, okay? Check.”
3) Any blog containing foul language or questionable material will be removed from the list. “Whoa, wait a minute.”
Who determines if what I say is questionable material for a Christian woman? God? Is He reading my blog? Because the last time I checked, He was the only One I truly answer to. And as far as I know, He and I are cool. Do I occasionally use foul language? You bet. Am I proud of myself for this? No, but only because I have children, and I wouldn’t want them to grow up hearing loads of profanity. Do I sometimes post material that someone else might deem inappropriate, questionable, or offensive? Probably. But, isn’t that the point of having your own space to write; so that you can express your own thoughts, ideas, and opinions? So the CWO blog roll rules prompted me to think, what is the ideal blog of a Christian woman? Do I have one? I like to write complainy, whiney posts just as much as I like writing the other stuff. I use bad language, I laugh at raunchy movies, I have tattoos, I am judgmental, and the list goes on and on. Unfortunately no one can read one or two of my posts and get the full picture of who I am; who I am as a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, or a Christian. No one can look at me or read what I write and see into my past; or see that I was raised in a home of faith, God, and church, or that when I was 14 I really and truly began my own private journey as a Christian. So I think I’ll pass on joining the blog roll and putting their cute little button on my site. I don’t need an official CWO person to determine if I or my site fit all their Christianity “guidelines”.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, Monday

I definitely did not just realize that this list could include things from all week instead of just Monday. Not me, I’m smarter than that!

I did not leave dishes in my sink two evenings in a row this week because I was too tired to do them.

I did not send out a couple of text messages during church on Sunday. That would be rude.

I was not late to work this morning, and I definitely have not been surfing the internet instead of working. Not me!

Oh, and I did not start reading the first Twilight book because people wouldn’t stop talking about how good they were. And don’t worry that I’m enjoying it, because I’m not!

Enjoy more "Not Me Monday" postings at MckMama's blog!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Politics and Other Things I don't Understand

Disclaimer: This is a pretty opinionated post (although I did hold back quite a bit). If you are easily offended by the “pro life, pro choice debate” or outraged by political ignorance (such as mine) then you shouldn’t read. And as always, my intent is not to offend anyone just simply share the thoughts that roll around in my head.

Why are people complaining that Obama doesn't have enough experience? What political experience does McCain have that Obama doesn't? Seriously…tell me because I don’t know. I mean, aside from the fact that McCain is white haired what about him says "ah yes, he is so wise and will lead our country to a better place". George W. has a lot of gray hair and we all know how that story ended. What's wrong with a young president? What's wrong with a black president? Shouldn't our country be to the point that we can choose a leader that didn’t come from the same "old white man" cookie cutter? McCain was clearly carved out of the same cheese as Bush.
For those of you who are afraid to have a non-white president (and oh yes, I’ve heard it), I'm not even gonna address that here because you're stupid. Sorry, but you are. For those of you who are worried about his tax increase proposal, you must make at least a quarter of a million dollars a what the hell are you doing reading blogs? Go out and live your posh life! Now I admit, and it's probably obvious anyway, that I'm not too knowledgeable about politics. There is a lot I don't understand. But, I know this:
I know when someone looks and sounds like an idiot (Bush), and does it repeatedly on national television (Bush). That's just not a person I want making critical decisions that effect my taxes, my economy, my safety, my choices, my country, essentially my freedoms. I understand enough to realize (along with most of America) that McCain chose Palin in hopes of gaining some democratic voters. Duh. You know how us liberated women love “girl power”. Guess he figured that would be his strongest asset. And, while Palin is appealing to me in some respects, the VP does not run our country.
And as far as both of the presidential candidates’ stance on abortion…this is the only part of my opinion I’m going to share, and then you’ll interpret it how you will.
I once saw a sticker from Planned Parenthood that read, “Behind every choice, is a story”. I realize there are many, many mothers out there who raises her children lovingly in a clean, caring environment, reads her parenting magazines to be up to date on vaccinations & educational toys, breastfeeds, home schools, makes homemade organic baby food, and truly unconditionally loves her child, and understands that at any moment she would sacrifice anything, including her life, for the sake of her child. However, while it may be hard to fathom, I believe that for every 1 mother out there like that there are 3 mothers who use drugs while pregnant and/or openly in front of her child, party all night while her child is in the other room with no dinner, no bath, maybe scared, maybe lonely, maybe just used to this way of life; is verbally, physically or sexually abusive on any given day, or lives with a man who does the same, has multiple children with different fathers—none of which are involved in their child’s life, does not ever show love, compassion or kindness to her children, does not know how to give healthy love because it was never given to her. If you don’t believe this exists or that this is a rarity---you’re fooling yourself. If you think CPS “handles” all of these cases and puts the child in a better place—again, you’re fooling yourself. Our system is way too overcrowded to take care of all these children, and there is not enough manpower or money to properly screen all of the foster homes—therefore some of these kids get placed in a home similar to what they came from. So yes, I will say it…. I think it’s nice and easy to be appalled at people who would not go through with a pregnancy, when you’re sitting in a middle to upper class home, with a substantial income, well educated, mentally stable, and not suffering from any addictions.
THAT being said, I think for this particular election there are far bigger issues at hand then where someone stands on abortion. I think that we need a leader who can relate to the majority of the people he/she is leading. The majority. Not the elite few.

Another Monday....blah

I was not up half the night with a stomach virus. Nope. Not me.

I did not come into work today only because I don’t have any paid time off yet. I want to be here feeling like ****!

I did not sleep in an extra 15 minutes this morning and then rush around like a mad woman to get to work on time. Not me! I don’t do stuff like that.

I did not drive to work this morning secretly hoping I would have nothing to do today.

And as usual, I did not type this blog while at work on agency time. So don’t even think I did!

Friday, October 10, 2008

PTA. Yay or Nay?

I just want to share my thoughts on the PTA (Parent Teacher Association). I signed up for this association last year and paid our fees, thinking I was doing my parental duty by putting myself in the association that I thought was to bring teachers and parents together for the good of our children.

Turns out… I was wrong.

Apparently, the PTA officers (aka, moms) use the address and phone numbers that you submit upon joining, against you. They harass you to participate in fund raisers, call you during the workday to see if you can send 2 pounds of candy to school on Monday for some made up celebration, or meet them at so-and-so’s house to bake potatoes for teacher appreciation week. “Um, I’m sorry. I work. I have to pay bills right along with my husband.” Don’t misunderstand, I’m all for teacher appreciation…but let’s make it equal…how bout some parent appreciation? Teachers do get paid to do what they do, parents do not (at least not in the monetary form). But that’s beside the point. If PTA is supposed to be an organization that promotes a team effort of teachers and parents to provide an education for our children, then let’s appreciate everyone involved. Please don’t send me a bazillion brochures for pointless fundraisers in which I never get to see how the money is spent; please don’t call me at work and ask me to buy things, send things, bake things and then sound disappointed when I explain my week is full already. I can’t speak for other mothers, but some mornings just getting my child to school on time, neatly dressed, hair combed, teeth brushed, well rested, and breakfast in her tummy is a small miracle. So maybe someone should be baking me a potato!

Monday, October 6, 2008

"Not Me" Monday

I absolutely did not lay in bed an extra 20 minutes because I was sleepy and enjoyed listening to the rain.

And of course I did not come into work 35 minutes late because I knew no one would be looking for me. I would never do that!

I did not stop at Whataburger and get a breakfast biscuit even though I was already late! That would be irresponsible!

And don't even think that I'm typing this blog at work because I wouldn't think of doing stuff like that while at work. Not me.

Don't worry that I was looking up camping gear online at work, cause I wasn't!

And last night, I did not let Alexandria and Olivia have candy before they ate their dinner. Not me!

My First Born

In light of my older daughter’s 7th birthday this past Wednesday, I decided to write a post about my pregnancy with her and the day she was born. More like reminiscing for me…probably totally boring for you. But, it’s my blog so I can write what I want.

My pregnancy with her came as a surprise, but I like to say that it’s the best surprise I’ve ever, ever had. However, I quickly discovered that I’m not a pleasant pregnant woman. Other then the excitement of a new baby coming, I was eternally miserable. I greeted each day by puking and continued to puke all day for the first 4 ½ months. (Did you know you can throw up a jolly rancher sucker? You can.) Instead of gaining pregnancy weight, I lost 10 pounds from vomiting. I was exhausted; I literally had dark circles under my eyes all the time. I withdrew that semester from Angelo State University. I eventually quit my job for AAFES at the Base Exchange. I couldn’t leave the couch most days in the beginning.
Then FINALLY like an overnight miracle I was cured from morning sickness! I was approx 5 months into the pregnancy now, was barely showing (an advantage of being 5’10) but had gained my 10 pounds back and probably 25 more at this point. I started a licensed daycare in my home to maintain two incomes (I must have been a glutton for punishment in those days).
Around 7 months into the pregnancy, my active little baby kicked a disc loose in my lower back. I limped around for a about a week and sat with a heating pad on my back until it was healed. My upper back pain was horrendous. My back couldn’t believe that my boobs were so huge…. as this had never been an issue before.
My due date was September 24th and it couldn’t come fast enough. I was at my biggest during the hottest time of the year! We slept with the air around 58 degrees, my husband slept in shirt, shorts, sweat pants and sometimes a sweatshirt. I slept in underwear and a tank top. Granted, I did have to sleep in that ever so comfy “pregnancy position”…on my side with a heating pad on my back, two pillows under my head, a pillow folded between my legs, and another pillow propped up behind me.
So 50 lbs later, my due date came and went and my body had not shown any signs of wanting to go into labor. My doctor said I would be induced the following Monday…. October 1st, 2001. I was to be at the hospital on that Sunday night at 9pm for the torture to begin. For those of you who know what I’m talking about, you’ll understand this brief explanation….I didn’t just have to start on Pitocin, I had to start with Cervidil. That’s all I’m gonna’ say. Oh, but let me add that when you’ve been given several “doses” of Cervidil, eventually when being checked for dilation, it feels like they’re using a knife.
The true pain started somewhere on Monday afternoon. My plan was to see how bad the pain was before deciding on an epidural, but I knew that I did not want the pain medicine that they put in your IV (can’t remember the name).
After the contractions were coming every minute and were pretty damn strong, I asked for medicine. My mistake was calling it “medicine” and not an epidural. So after my husband griped at the nurse for not coming fast enough with it, she quickly came in and injected my IV without consulting with me first. I immediately felt sleepy…. the problem was I would doze off only to be jerked awake by horrible pain every minute or two. I couldn’t talk to people without my eyes closing. I started explaining that I wanted an epidural. My mom thought I was too looped to know what I was saying. My mind was very clear, but the meds made my movements slow…which is extremely frustrating, especially for a control freak like me. I looked at my husband and said, “tell them to get me an epidural”. He did what he was told, like the good little birthing partner he is. NOW. Sitting up on the table to get an epidural, while you’re having contractions is a very uncomfortable situation to say the least. Oh yeah, and being told not to move a muscle while they insert a needle into your spine…just icing on the cake. But once I got through it, laid back down, and it kicked in…awesome. I could finally think straight and be excited that my daughter was coming into the world!
I fell asleep and slept for two hours, when I woke up I was dilated to a 9. As soon as I felt like pushing we began. After an hour and a half of pushing, and 22 hours and 40 minutes from when I checked into the hospital, my daughter was born... and pain free for both of us! She weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz and had curly blonde hair matted to the top of her head. And now, because this post is long enough already, I end the story with the fact that she has had a very healthy, happy childhood for 7 years, and is one of the biggest blessings in my life.