I was going to add my name to the Christian Women’s Organization blog roll so I decided to read the “rules” first.
1) You have to completely agree with their statement of faith. “Okay. Check.”
2) Your blog site may be monitored and has to be approved in order to officially join. “Um, okay? Check.”
3) Any blog containing foul language or questionable material will be removed from the list. “Whoa, wait a minute.”
Who determines if what I say is questionable material for a Christian woman? God? Is He reading my blog? Because the last time I checked, He was the only One I truly answer to. And as far as I know, He and I are cool. Do I occasionally use foul language? You bet. Am I proud of myself for this? No, but only because I have children, and I wouldn’t want them to grow up hearing loads of profanity. Do I sometimes post material that someone else might deem inappropriate, questionable, or offensive? Probably. But, isn’t that the point of having your own space to write; so that you can express your own thoughts, ideas, and opinions? So the CWO blog roll rules prompted me to think, what is the ideal blog of a Christian woman? Do I have one? I like to write complainy, whiney posts just as much as I like writing the other stuff. I use bad language, I laugh at raunchy movies, I have tattoos, I am judgmental, and the list goes on and on. Unfortunately no one can read one or two of my posts and get the full picture of who I am; who I am as a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, or a Christian. No one can look at me or read what I write and see into my past; or see that I was raised in a home of faith, God, and church, or that when I was 14 I really and truly began my own private journey as a Christian. So I think I’ll pass on joining the blog roll and putting their cute little button on my site. I don’t need an official CWO person to determine if I or my site fit all their Christianity “guidelines”.
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
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