I just want to share my thoughts on the PTA (Parent Teacher Association). I signed up for this association last year and paid our fees, thinking I was doing my parental duty by putting myself in the association that I thought was to bring teachers and parents together for the good of our children.
Turns out… I was wrong.
Apparently, the PTA officers (aka, moms) use the address and phone numbers that you submit upon joining, against you. They harass you to participate in fund raisers, call you during the workday to see if you can send 2 pounds of candy to school on Monday for some made up celebration, or meet them at so-and-so’s house to bake potatoes for teacher appreciation week. “Um, I’m sorry. I work. I have to pay bills right along with my husband.” Don’t misunderstand, I’m all for teacher appreciation…but let’s make it equal…how bout some parent appreciation? Teachers do get paid to do what they do, parents do not (at least not in the monetary form). But that’s beside the point. If PTA is supposed to be an organization that promotes a team effort of teachers and parents to provide an education for our children, then let’s appreciate everyone involved. Please don’t send me a bazillion brochures for pointless fundraisers in which I never get to see how the money is spent; please don’t call me at work and ask me to buy things, send things, bake things and then sound disappointed when I explain my week is full already. I can’t speak for other mothers, but some mornings just getting my child to school on time, neatly dressed, hair combed, teeth brushed, well rested, and breakfast in her tummy is a small miracle. So maybe someone should be baking me a potato!
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
As a Mom who has been a PTO board member for the past 6 years, I was very interested in reading your post. I totally understand what you are saying.. really.
However, for every one of you, there are 20 Mom's that complain because they are NOT involved and included enough. Board members get a bad rap either way. I spend about 30 hours a week doing PTO stuff during our fundraisers and membership drives. And, we don't get paid a cent to be away from our kids and responsibilities. Mostly, we get a bum rap. We do it because we want to make our kids school a better place.
This year, I am off the board (phew!) and am receiving the same phone calls you are talking about. I don't look at it the same way you do because I've been there. I just tell them.. no, I can't help at this time and try to appreciate where they are coming from. There are a lot of things that the Principal and teachers at school want/need and it is dumped in to a small handfull of volunteers to fulfill. It's frustrating for both sides.
All I can say, is that the PTO/PTA board members are doing their best and have your kids best interest at heart. It's just not a perfect system on either side. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and being so open and honest. I've written down your comments and will pass them on to my friend, who is PTO President this year. Maybe through you, we can improve our system a little bit more.
Wow.. didn't mean to be so long-winded.. this is a passionate topic for both sides! I really just came by to read your "Not Me's".. ha ha.
Have a great week!
Haha, that was pretty funny. Sorry you are being beraded though!
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