Disclaimer: This is a pretty opinionated post (although I did hold back quite a bit). If you are easily offended by the “pro life, pro choice debate” or outraged by political ignorance (such as mine) then you shouldn’t read. And as always, my intent is not to offend anyone just simply share the thoughts that roll around in my head.
Why are people complaining that Obama doesn't have enough experience? What political experience does McCain have that Obama doesn't? Seriously…tell me because I don’t know. I mean, aside from the fact that McCain is white haired what about him says "ah yes, he is so wise and will lead our country to a better place". George W. has a lot of gray hair and we all know how that story ended. What's wrong with a young president? What's wrong with a black president? Shouldn't our country be to the point that we can choose a leader that didn’t come from the same "old white man" cookie cutter? McCain was clearly carved out of the same cheese as Bush.
For those of you who are afraid to have a non-white president (and oh yes, I’ve heard it), I'm not even gonna address that here because you're stupid. Sorry, but you are. For those of you who are worried about his tax increase proposal, you must make at least a quarter of a million dollars a year...so what the hell are you doing reading blogs? Go out and live your posh life! Now I admit, and it's probably obvious anyway, that I'm not too knowledgeable about politics. There is a lot I don't understand. But, I know this:
I know when someone looks and sounds like an idiot (Bush), and does it repeatedly on national television (Bush). That's just not a person I want making critical decisions that effect my taxes, my economy, my safety, my choices, my country, essentially my freedoms. I understand enough to realize (along with most of America) that McCain chose Palin in hopes of gaining some democratic voters. Duh. You know how us liberated women love “girl power”. Guess he figured that would be his strongest asset. And, while Palin is appealing to me in some respects, the VP does not run our country.
And as far as both of the presidential candidates’ stance on abortion…this is the only part of my opinion I’m going to share, and then you’ll interpret it how you will.
I once saw a sticker from Planned Parenthood that read, “Behind every choice, is a story”. I realize there are many, many mothers out there who raises her children lovingly in a clean, caring environment, reads her parenting magazines to be up to date on vaccinations & educational toys, breastfeeds, home schools, makes homemade organic baby food, and truly unconditionally loves her child, and understands that at any moment she would sacrifice anything, including her life, for the sake of her child. However, while it may be hard to fathom, I believe that for every 1 mother out there like that there are 3 mothers who use drugs while pregnant and/or openly in front of her child, party all night while her child is in the other room with no dinner, no bath, maybe scared, maybe lonely, maybe just used to this way of life; is verbally, physically or sexually abusive on any given day, or lives with a man who does the same, has multiple children with different fathers—none of which are involved in their child’s life, does not ever show love, compassion or kindness to her children, does not know how to give healthy love because it was never given to her. If you don’t believe this exists or that this is a rarity---you’re fooling yourself. If you think CPS “handles” all of these cases and puts the child in a better place—again, you’re fooling yourself. Our system is way too overcrowded to take care of all these children, and there is not enough manpower or money to properly screen all of the foster homes—therefore some of these kids get placed in a home similar to what they came from. So yes, I will say it…. I think it’s nice and easy to be appalled at people who would not go through with a pregnancy, when you’re sitting in a middle to upper class home, with a substantial income, well educated, mentally stable, and not suffering from any addictions.
THAT being said, I think for this particular election there are far bigger issues at hand then where someone stands on abortion. I think that we need a leader who can relate to the majority of the people he/she is leading. The majority. Not the elite few.
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
I'm trying to put my head in the sand with this election, honestly. I am terrified, about both cantidates. If I could go to sleep today and wake up after the election, I think that I would.
I honestly wish that I would go back to the day where abortion was the biggest issue. Now it seems like pro-lifers and pro-choicers are just trying to put food on the table. Scary.
In reponse to Rose C's comment:
It is scary..... So scary that an issue as huge as abortion has taken a backseat because there are so many immediate issues at hand.
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