Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
It Is What It Is
1) My insomnia. Never in my life have I suffered so. (Well that’s not true, but I felt it deserved some drama.) I never understood insomnia until recently. The past month or so I have been waking up around 3AM and I lay there, and lay there…….and lay there some more……wide awake. I think about work, the kids, my husband, and it goes on and on for about 1-2 hours. When I do fall back asleep it’s usually an hour away from the alarm clock going off.
2) American Idol contestant Alexis Grace being voted off. DUMB! This is why I stopped watching the show after the 2nd season. “America” votes to keep the ones who can barely carry a tune and vote off anyone with actual singing ability. It’s just annoying. I didn’t see her performance this week, but I can’t imagine that someone with her talent would have screwed it up that badly. I’m done with that show. Again.
3) I get really tired of the grocery stores pushing us from one holiday to the next so quickly that before you know it I’m 50 yrs old and I’ve celebrated a trillion holidays. I mean really, can I take my Christmas tree down before you start selling me valentine’s candy and Easter baskets? Can we hunt our eggs before we have to buy 4th of July paraphernalia or pumpkins for next Fall? Seriously. And why on earth are they already selling Easter cookies……packages and packages of Easter cookies in the bakery….. 4 weeks before Easter? Really? Is someone buying these and then feeding them to people a month from now? Awesome.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Monday, Again?

I actually started on the treadmill again this week. I walked for 20 minutes at a brisk pace. But no matter what anyone tells you, I most certainly did NOT attempt to run for part of that time! And if I had of, it would NOT have only been for 1 minute because my shins, calves, and lungs were on fire! Nope, didn’t happen.
I also did NOT take a practice licensing exam (for my profession) and only make an, NO that would be embarrassing.
And, I have NOT been sitting here staring blankly at my computer for almost 30 minutes trying to come up with something else to add to this list……but because I’m soooooooooo tired my mind keeps drifting off on wild, doesn’t.
Wanna’ read what everyone else “didn’t” do? Check out MckMama's blog!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Here We Go Again
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Can I Just Share?
I’m sitting here at my desk innocently typing notes on the computer. Innocent, because I have no reason to be worried about any of my loved ones; the children were each dropped safely off at school this morning. No worries, right? Then I get a phone call.
I answer my cell phone to a number that was very similar to Hillcrest hospital phone numbers……
Man in a very urgent voice: “can I speak to the parent or guardian of Alexandria T*****?”
Me: my heart dropping to my stomach “this is she, this is her mother”. My mind is conjuring up all of the terrible images it can in approximately 20 seconds, which felt like minutes before he responded with…
Man: “this is her mother?”
Me: “YES!” Oh God, what happened to my baby?
Man: “I’m calling from Dr. Francis’s office here in Waco…”
Me: “Yes???” Oh my God, something terrible has happened to her at school and now I’m going to have to give consent for medical treatment over the phone!
Man: “she has a dental appointment with us tomorrow at such and such time and I’m just confirming…..”
Me: WHAT???? You scared the shit out of me to confirm a freakin dental appointment??? At this point I interrupt and say “OH, I thought you were calling from a doctor’s office about my child, you scared me”
Man: hesitation “no, um, I’m calling from the dentist…will you be here tomorrow?”
Me: Yes, you moron that’s why I made the appointment, so that we could SHOW UP TO IT! “yes we’ll be there”. Click.
You might call it paranoia, I call it motherhood.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Never Been a Fan of the Monday

I did NOT hit the snooze button a few extra times (like 4 or 5) this morning …and then arrive to work 15 minutes late....not that anyone noticed considering I DON'T do this quite often.
I did NOT let my children have unlimited amounts of caffeine and sugar during our trip to Dallas this weekend! Please, I am a way better mother than that.
I did NOT spend way too much money on frivolous things during said weekend.
I did NOT stay up way too late last night because I couldn’t put my book down…only geeky book worms do that!! Oh wait, I am a geeky book worm…nevermind.
Wanna’ read what everyone else “didn’t” do? Check out MckMama's blog!
You know, that thing that causes us to not bat an eyelash when we see violence in the movies, or hear explicit sex jokes as part of a routine bit on prime time television; the thing that causes young children to see weapons as being toys rather then dangerous. The very thing that caused me to see a sticker memorializing a very tragic event (to say the least) and actually think to myself “oh, that’s so outdated”.