A complaint fest…so you’ve been warned. At least I summed it up nicely in a list format.
1) My insomnia. Never in my life have I suffered so. (Well that’s not true, but I felt it deserved some drama.) I never understood insomnia until recently. The past month or so I have been waking up around 3AM and I lay there, and lay there…….and lay there some more……wide awake. I think about work, the kids, my husband, and it goes on and on for about 1-2 hours. When I do fall back asleep it’s usually an hour away from the alarm clock going off.
2) American Idol contestant Alexis Grace being voted off. DUMB! This is why I stopped watching the show after the 2nd season. “America” votes to keep the ones who can barely carry a tune and vote off anyone with actual singing ability. It’s just annoying. I didn’t see her performance this week, but I can’t imagine that someone with her talent would have screwed it up that badly. I’m done with that show. Again.
3) I get really tired of the grocery stores pushing us from one holiday to the next so quickly that before you know it I’m 50 yrs old and I’ve celebrated a trillion holidays. I mean really, can I take my Christmas tree down before you start selling me valentine’s candy and Easter baskets? Can we hunt our eggs before we have to buy 4th of July paraphernalia or pumpkins for next Fall? Seriously. And why on earth are they already selling Easter cookies……packages and packages of Easter cookies in the bakery….. 4 weeks before Easter? Really? Is someone buying these and then feeding them to people a month from now? Awesome.
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
I have the exact same insomnia you have. I always wake up between 3 and 4 am and it takes me an hour or two to go back to sleep. I just lie awake, worrying. It's like the only time I worry, too.
Do you know what helps me? One Benadryl. It works like magic. If I take one Benadryl, I never wake up at 3am. It's so weird.
And I like it too because if I take one Benadryl and then don't go to sleep for some reason, I'm fine. I don't feel drugged. But when I do go to sleep, I sleep all night.
So you might try that...
Uhhh, I gotta 2nd you on the whole stores putting the next season out too soon thing. I mean, wtf?
I used to suffer from insomnia too back in college. I feel your pain. I hope it gets better for you.
Yikes on the insomnia, and sorry to hear about the softball moms, they sound clique, or highschoolish. ick.
I am with you on the grocery stores. However, as long as they keep reeses peanut butter eggs, trees, pumpkins, hearts..whatever, I am ok.
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