Our sweet soon to be 3 yr old! She fills our days with oh so many quotable quotes…I thought I’d share a few of my recent faves.
Olivia: “I have a booger in my nose, I can’t get it puz (because) it’s too heavy.”
Me or Abel on any given day: “Olivia why did you snatch that toy from your sister’s hand?”, “Olivia why did you hit the dog?”, “Olivia why did you throw that across the room?”, “Why did you jump off of there? I told you that you would get hurt!”
Olivia: “puz I did”
(yeah, I’m really not sure why we continue to ask her “why” she does anything.)
After being spanked on the bottom for doing something (can’t remember what):
Olivia: “I’m sorry you pank me, puz you did”.
Repeating the ABC’s with her daddy:
Daddy: “P”
Olivia: “B”
Daddy: “no, P”
Olivia: “bees fly away”
Daddy: “no, the letter Peeeeee” (with extreme enunciation)
Olivia: “ohhhhhh-kaaaaay” (long pause) “sing McDonald now”
Daddy: (exasperated sigh) “fine”
When caught trying to write on the wall with a pen:
Me: “Olivia! Stop! We don’t write on walls.”
Olivia: “we write on paper (exaggerating the word)”
Me: “that’s right. So go find some paper on your desk to write on”
Olivia: “I don’t, I write on walls”
While in the store parking lot one day:
Olivia: “poo poo!!” (gales of laughter) “poo poos!”
Me: “Olivia, let’s not shout that out while we’re in a public place”
Olivia:” poo poos!” (followed by laughter again of course—because at the age of 2 this word is hilarious
Me: “look, no one is talking about poo poo right now”
Olivia: “I am”
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
Those are hysterical! Puz they just are. And I'm going to go write on your wall on facebook.
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