Before I begin my rant……I just want to say we saw the movie on Friday and loved it!
Why the controversy? I'm so sick of reading and hearing about all the negative media surrounding this girl. There are girls her age that are pregnant, on drugs, boozing it up at parties, failing out of school; the list could go on and on. Yet here is this 16 yr old girl who had a dream of becoming a singer, had the parents who were able to get her in the door, and now she’s able to do something she loves for a living. I’m sorry, I’m confused where the problem lies. Some say she isn’t a good role model, well who labeled her as one? Did she ask to be the role model for every girl aged 5-15 in the world? I’m pretty sure that would be a daunting task for anyone from the First Lady to the Queen of England. If you don’t want your kid following her, emulating her, or aspiring to be like her then turn off the TV! I don’t want my 7 yr old emulating Carrie Bradshaw & Co., therefore she isn’t allowed to watch that particular show (or any R rated programming, but that’s beside the point)……it really is that simple, folks. I’m tired of reading articles bashing Hannah/Miley for no solid reason. So what if she parked in a handicapped spot to get ice cream, so what if she made some “diva-ish” comments? I’m sure we all do things like this on any given day; we just don’t have the paparazzi around to prove it. All of us except of course the journalists who write these articles, because only someone with that amount of perfection could so easily write an entire article slandering a 16 yr old girl for being……um, what should we call it? Oh yeah, a TEENAGER! I mean, why should every single mistake be called out? Because she’s in the public eye? That’s bullshit. MSN journalist Martha Brokenbrough states, “For a teen who knows she's in the public eye to do this sort of stuff suggests she's either none too bright or views herself exempt from normal consequences.” The media and the fans are the ones who place these people on pedestals and then have the nerve to act shocked and appalled if they do something human. While Miley Cyrus awkwardly endures her teen years in front of cameras and major scrutiny, she still manages to handle a full time career (with working hours that could put many of us to shame), take time out for her fans, and overall show that it’s okay to be yourself---your imperfect self.
In summation Brokenbrough says, “For now, Miley Cyrus continues to be a great role model for kids, but only in unintended ways. She shows that talent, wealth and beauty are superficial things, and are no replacement for character. She might not be learning much from her mistakes, but our kids can”. Are you fucking kidding me? Forget the fact that “talent, wealth and beauty” is what our society obsesses over and has since long before Miley Cyrus was even born; so putting that aside-- I’m not looking at Miley Cyrus to teach my kid lessons, that’s my job, you know the one she calls “mom”. I agree our children are influenced by what they are exposed to, yes. But as far as what exactly they’re exposed to, the frequency, and how the child interprets it? Parent’s job. My 7 year old LOVES Hannah Montana, but she’s clueless about the controversial sheet photo ,handicapped parking incident, or the slanted eyes picture. Why? Because my 7 year old doesn’t read MSN, gossip websites, or Vanity Fair magazine! The bottom line is our children are going to pick someone in the limelight to obsess over, and personally I’m okay with it being Hannah Montana. There are a lot worse out there to choose from.
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
1 comment:
Oh Goodness a teenage girl acting diva-ish??? The writer of that bit obviously hasn't been over to my house! I agree with you on how they are constantly bashing this young girl. It is like they are hoping she will stumble so they can gleefully report it. If they were truly worried about role models for our kids they would go after shows like The Secret Life of Teens - one of the worst shows I have ever seen!
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