Ever since we got a Chihuahua…..phrases like “your turn to clean it up”, “did you actually see her pee outside?”, “Alexandria! There’s dog crap in your sister’s room!”, and “she’s chewing on a Barbie shoe!” are now common everyday phrases in our household.
…We now all wear holy underwear and have had to throw several pair away……
Ever since we got a Chihuahua…The smell of Febreeze, Glade Plug-Ins, and Lysol are always wafting in the breeze at our home……
…My stress levels have risen…
Ever since we got a Chihuahua…I step into unidentified wet spots on almost a daily basis…and I now know exactly which brand of paper towels is best for soaking up dog piss…
…My blood pressure has risen....
Ever since we got a Chihuahua…I have stood on my back patio in my underwear many a night begging her to get in the grass and pee so we could go inside (where it’s warm)…
…My love for animals has declined……I no longer think puppies are cute…
...Ever since we got a Chihuahua…I have been witness to many disgusting events…such as a dog eating its own poop, vomiting, then eating the vomit (suppressing gag reflex as I type…deep breaths in through the nose…)
Ever since we got a Chihuahua, I have a greater appreciation and more love for my cats……who all live outside.
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
I am so never getting a dog. Never, never, never, never, never.
My dog likes cat vomit. Hey..saves me from having to clean it up myself. he he he
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