You have to check out this post by Melissa from MTV's Real World (a billion yrs ago when I actually watched it) about her labor & delivery with her first child. It's pretty lengthy but hilarious! It definitely brings back the memories......I posted the link below but here's an excerpt of my favorite part because it was so me after I had Alexandria.
"Another nurse comes into my room. Shows me how to make my own diaper and there are so many steps and layers, it’s literally like making a big sandwich. I’m wearing a wee wee pad and four Tucks medicated pads and a maxi pad and these mesh panties. And I’m peeing in a hat. What time is it and where is my baby?"
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
That was hysterical. And timely.
hey! The organizer came from Home Depot, I think it was $12? Honestly, you could probably use one, the openings are BIG! There are also 2 shoe slots at the bottom.
I have heard of just putting t-shirts and accesories in the slots and hanging up jeans/dresses, and then putting all of it in your closet or somewhere your kids can't get to. I think thats a great idea!
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