Definitely not proper comma placement and how to avoid run on sentences, but that’s neither here nor there.
In honor of my 30th birthday (7/11), I wanted to write about what I have really learned & discovered in the past decade. What were my epiphanies, revelations, and “aha moments”? I know you’re just dying to know…..LOL. Here are some of the high-lights………
Never turn off the alarm clock until you are completely out of the bed!
Relationships are hard, work is hard, and parenting is hard; life is hard in general…….so it’s important to seek out the good times.
It’s fun to laugh at inappropriate things…….
Rules are always made with exceptions.
When you are a cocktail waitress it’s amazingly easy to cheat men out of their money; and just as easy to get free drinks. {didn’t say I was proud, just said I learned it}
It’s important to know your roots, and revisit them every now and then.
It’s okay to not be friends with everyone.
Know your priorities in life and stick to them, otherwise they don’t mean much.
Your parents don’t know as much as you once thought; they are only human just like you.
Everyone I know grew up in a dysfunctional family.
Know what you stand for and what you will not stand for.
It’s okay to not always know what to do!
Taking “mental health” days off from work are vital!!
Not only is it okay to not have a perfect marriage, but it’s okay to accept that they don’t exist.
They don’t call childbirth “labor” for nothing! It’s the hardest, most important work I’ve ever done; and the sweetest reward I’ve ever gotten.
The “perfect time” never comes, so don’t wait for it.
It’s important to figure out when to fight and when to surrender, I think most of us tend to do the opposite of what we should.
It’s just as important to have a plan as it is to be flexible.
Sometimes the little things are what’s important, and other times they are truly the things that should not matter. Go figure.
The more you have to fight for control in a situation, the more the situation is actually controlling you. {This one took me a long while to figure out…}
I am imperfect; I am definitely a sinner.
I love to laugh, I love hard, and I am a loyal friend.
I attempt daily to do right by my children, and as they grow I pray that I succeed at this.
I have many titles, but there is not one that completely or utterly defines who I am.
This life is temporary, this life is temporary, this life is temporary…
and is too difficult to navigate without belief in a Higher Power.
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
I love this! I love the "it's fun to laugh at inappropriate things" comment, and all of them really.
And the control one was really good too, I can definitely identify a few of those in my life... and some that I'm so glad I let go.
This is an AWESOME post! Good for you for writing it all down.
I am enjoying my thirties far more than my twenties. I can't believe I was so worried about it when I hit the big 3-0!
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