why it’s easier to finish college BEFORE you have children….
One Saturday I was working peacefully on a paper for my Family Theories class (and I say peacefully only because the children were in the other room in front of a movie), when the girls asked for some cereal. I got up and quickly fixed a bowl of milk and cheerios for Alexandria and a cup of dry cheerios for Olivia. When I left out of the room the box of cereal and the jug of milk had been put safely back in their proper places.
About 20 minutes later, when I was up to my elbows in theories, models and family assessments, I hear Alexandria yell out “Mom! Olivia spilled her milk”……it took a few minutes for that to register, and I thought “Olivia didn’t have any milk”. But then by this point they were fairly quiet again and so I did what any good mother/student under a deadline would do……. I kept typing. A little while later when I got to a decent stopping point, I went to go check on the girls (don’t worry I knew they were still alive because I could hear them talking—a mother only panics when things are SILENT). When I walked into the living room, I literally gasped. Cheerios. Everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Spilled milk. On the carpet. I was amazed at the amount of cheerios that could be flung about in a short time by one little two year girl. (see pictures-look closely at the one on the far left, you can see hundreds of tiny cheerios)
So of course they had to clean up the mess and then sat in time out--Olivia for throwing cheerios and Alexandria for bringing the cereal and milk into the living room. Oh yes, she brought the whole box of cheerios and the whole jug of milk into the living room.
I never did get the full story, but from what I can figure Olivia was throwing handfuls of cheerios into the air like confetti and then the milk was spilled because…..well because she’s 2 and there was a jug of milk next to her. Still not sure if Alexandria joined in on the “confetti” throwing or if she was too engrossed in the television to know what was happening around her, but either way she knew better then to bring it all in the living room.
Moral of the story: Finish school before you have kids because they WILL demolish your house while you are typing papers.
love your blog! This is hysterical! Glad you were able to make them clean up!
OMG! I've got tears in my eyes on this one from laughing! Again, I feel your pain. I was studying for my GRE last Sunday, and Lauryn got really quiet. So, as I went looking for her, a really foul smell greeted me as I approached the kitchen. When I got in there, I almost gagged from the smell, only to discover that she had gotten into the refrigerator, gotten out the parmesan cheese, and shook it like she was shaking maracas all over the kitchen. It took forever to get that smell out!! You can take a look at my MySpace page to see what she did with the dog food...what is it with these 2 year olds???
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