I have a bone to pick with the way this country classifies ethnicity. Let’s start with the term African American used for all people with black skin. What if they are from Jamaica? Or the Dominican Republic? Do we still refer to them as African American? Or what about the white skinned people who live in South Africa? If they move here, do we still refer to them as African American, because that would probably be confusing. Here’s my suggestion for classifications. Black (non Hispanic), Black/Hispanic, White (non Hispanic), White/Hispanic, Asian, Native American. With a higher rate of interracial relationships and bi-racial children, I also believe we should be able to check more then one box on these things. Things just aren’t that black and white anymore (hahaha). Furthermore, I have a huge problem with people who assume all white people come from the same culture. Yes, we may all be white skinned, but we come from oh so many different cultures because we have so many different heritages. I don’t mind being referred to as white because as I mentioned before, you cannot always tell someone’s heritage just by looking at them. Which brings me to the term Hispanic. Some “Hispanics” are up in arms about this terminology (my father in law particularly), there have even been t-shirts made condemning the term. But wouldn’t someone be angrier if they were referred to as Cuban when they are really Mexican? Or Puerto Rican when they are Cuban? Or vice versa? Just a thought.
Nuuly is My New Clothing Rental Obsession
5 days ago
1 comment:
I completely agree.
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