Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is There Anything She Won’t Eat?

Olivia started off in this world by eating colostrum (the stuff that comes before breast milk) and then at some point my milk came in and she ate that. But by day two of her life whatever was coming out of my breasts at that point proved to not be enough for her appetite. So we were supplementing with formula from the start. Breast milk ended at 6 weeks, baby cereal began at 4 months, followed by baby food at 6 months. All table foods were eaten by 10-11 months minus strawberries, nuts, eggs and seafood (just to be safe). Some of her fave table foods are broccoli, carrots, spaghetti, cheese, turkey, and bacon. She has always been a good little eater. Meaning that she eats pretty much everything she’s given. That being said…..

…starting at the age of around 1 year old…….she has eaten cat food, dirt, actual pieces of grass, other family member’s chewed up gum from the trashcan, food that has fallen on the floor in various parts of the house, Rolaids (about 4 of them), and literally drank toilet water that she dipped out with her potty chair bowl. NOW. I have to say, I PROMISE we do watch our children. She is supervised! But, as you may well know some toddlers just love to put things in their mouths and can do it in a millisecond. The grosser you think it is, the funnier she thinks it is. I have seen her bend over and touch a mud puddle outside and then lick her hand. She has put filthy disgusting shoes in her mouth, tasted rocks and sticks, eaten candy with the wrapper still on it, eaten crayons, and once (that we know of anyway) she ate a coin. All I can do at this point is to NEVER buy any type of poison, keep all cleaners out of sight and up high, and hope she grows out of it soon. Maybe I’ll go with my mother’s reasoning, “she’s a tactile learner”.


Rose said...

Oh my gosh I'm terrified for both my future and yours. I guess that somehow these danger-kids survive?

Anonymous said...

So funny! Sounds just like Lauryn, but add to that list some sort of large beetle and rocks, if you didn't already say that. I have said many times that I don't understand why she won't eat regular yummy food, but will try to bite the foam out of the soles of her flip flops. I guess on the positive side, they're building up their immunities!