Saturday, October 22, 2011

Things I Have Actually Said Outloud...

...while perusing my matches on an online dating site. : /  Seriously, I'm not making any of this up.  Just thought I'd share...

"He was on the other site too! Dude, give it up, you're gay!"

"Ugh, he has elf ears!"

"That's because you look like a pedophile..."

"um, gross"

"Cute, but can't spell."

"You're obviously high in all these pictures"

"Well gee with a screen name like 'Elated HoneyStick', who could resist?? Oh, and you're 50? Even better!"

(big sigh)  I think I'll stick with finding happiness as a single girl :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Am Me

Part of self discovery post divorce...

I like that I have never lost my enthusiasm for summertime.

I feel at peace in the water.

I think I would wither away without music.

Online dating sites depress me.

I’m pretty sure I am too carefree and passionate with my love.

I don’t like it when someone doesn’t like me; it makes me feel misunderstood.

I think I have a knack for cooking, decorating, and organizing.

I like being in charge.

I have workaholic tendencies.

Sleep is the only vacation my mind ever gets.

I wish I had more self discipline.

I struggle, I fall apart, and I have breakdowns.

I’m happy I found life without anxiety.

I think quickly on my feet.

I like laughing so hard I can’t breathe.

I really love cheese, like to a ridiculous degree.

I’m kind of obsessed with food.

Technology and math elude me.

I get vicious when I’m tired or hungry.

I never hold grudges.

I have a sixth sense for bullshit.

I’m not always the person I want to be.

I’m smart. I’m nurturing. I’m jaded.

I am me.